how do you start interior design as a hobby

Unraveling the Knot: How Do You Start Interior Design as a Hobby?

Greetings, fellow aspiring interior designers! Are you ready to unleash your creativity and embark on an exciting journey into the world of interior design? Whether you’re looking to spruce up your own space or explore a new hobby, interior design offers endless possibilities for expressing your unique style and transforming ordinary rooms into extraordinary spaces.

If you’ve ever wondered how to start interior design as a hobby, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll guide you through the essential steps, provide tips for beginners, and share beginner-friendly interior design ideas to ignite your passion and help you create stunning spaces that reflect your personal taste.

So, grab your sketchbook and let’s dive into the fascinating realm of interior design!

Key Takeaways:

  • Interior design can be a fulfilling hobby that allows you to unleash your creativity and transform spaces.
  • Starting small with a practice project helps you gain confidence, learn basic techniques, and understand the fundamentals of interior design.
  • Choose beginner-friendly projects like organizing small spaces, creating mood boards, or rearranging furniture to develop your skills.
  • Seek inspiration from magazines, websites, and social media platforms to discover new ideas and trends.
  • Invest in high-quality materials to ensure the durability and longevity of your macrame projects.

Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Starting with a Small Project

When it comes to interior design, starting with a small project is key. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to dive straight into a large-scale renovation or redesign. That’s why I always recommend starting small to build your skills and confidence.

By starting with a small project, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with different design elements and techniques. You can experiment with colors, patterns, and textures without the pressure of a major undertaking. Plus, tackling a small project allows you to learn from any mistakes and refine your skills before moving on to more ambitious endeavors.

Not only does starting small help you learn the fundamentals of interior design, but it also gives you the chance to explore different styles and aesthetics. You can try out different themes, experiment with different materials, and discover what truly resonates with your personal taste. This exploration process is essential for developing your unique design identity.

Beginner-Friendly Interior Design Ideas

  • Organize and decorate a small corner of your home, such as a bookshelf or a bedside table.
  • Create a mood board by gathering images, color swatches, and fabric samples that inspire you.
  • Rearrange the furniture in one room to create a new layout and flow.
  • Experiment with wall art by creating a gallery wall or hanging a statement piece.
  • Add greenery to your space with easy-to-care-for houseplants.
  • Refresh your space with new throw pillows, blankets, or curtains.

Remember, interior design is a journey, and practice truly does make perfect. So start small, embrace your creativity, and enjoy the process of transforming spaces, one project at a time.

Choosing Your First Macrame Project: Where to Begin

When I first started my journey into interior design as a hobby, one of the most important decisions I had to make was choosing my first macrame project. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. But fear not! I’m here to guide you through the process and help you make the right choice.

Start with Simple Projects

If you’re new to macrame, it’s best to start with simple projects that allow you to gain practical experience and develop your design eye. This could include organizing and decorating a small space, creating a mood board, or even rearranging furniture. These projects may seem basic, but they provide a solid foundation for understanding the fundamentals of interior design and give you the opportunity to experiment with different styles and aesthetics.

Consider Your Skill Level and Resources

When choosing your first macrame project, it’s important to consider your skill level and the resources available to you. If you’re a beginner, opt for projects that are well-suited for beginners, with clear instructions and simple techniques. This will help build your confidence and ensure a successful outcome. Additionally, consider the materials and tools you have access to. Choose a project that aligns with your available resources to make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Find Inspiration

Before diving into your first macrame project, take the time to find inspiration. Explore magazines, websites, social media platforms, and interior design blogs for ideas and trends that resonate with your personal style. Pinterest and Instagram, in particular, are great platforms to discover new macrame patterns and projects. Collect images, create mood boards, and gather inspiration to guide you in choosing the perfect macrame project to start your interior design journey.

getting started with interior design

The Time Commitment and Patience Required

Starting interior design as a hobby is an exciting endeavor, but it’s important to understand that it requires a significant time commitment and patience. Transforming a space and bringing your creative vision to life takes time and effort. Depending on the complexity of your project, it can take several hours, days, or even weeks to complete.

When starting out, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations and allocate enough time for your projects. Rushing through the process may compromise the quality of your work and leave you feeling unsatisfied. Remember, interior design is about enjoying the journey and embracing the creative process. Take your time, experiment, and refine your ideas until you achieve the desired result.

Patience is also key when it comes to honing your skills as a hobbyist interior designer. Learning and improving takes time and practice. Don’t be discouraged by mistakes or setbacks along the way. Instead, view them as valuable learning opportunities that will ultimately contribute to your growth and development. Trust in your abilities and have confidence in your creative vision.

By dedicating the necessary time and exercising patience, you’ll be able to truly immerse yourself in the world of interior design and create spaces that reflect your unique style and personality.

Key Points:

  • Interior design as a hobby requires a time commitment and patience.
  • Set realistic expectations and allocate enough time for your projects.
  • View mistakes and setbacks as learning opportunities.
  • Trust in your abilities and have confidence in your creative vision.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Confidence

Starting a new hobby in interior design can be both exciting and challenging. As you embark on this journey, it’s important to recognize that you may encounter obstacles along the way. However, these challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. With determination and perseverance, you can overcome them and build your confidence as a hobbyist interior designer.

One common challenge is making mistakes. Remember, mistakes are a natural part of the creative process. Don’t be discouraged if a design doesn’t turn out the way you envisioned. Instead, view it as a valuable learning experience. Take the time to analyze what went wrong and how you can improve in the future. Embrace the opportunity to refine your skills and develop your personal style.

Seeking inspiration from other interior designers

Another challenge you may face is finding inspiration and developing your own unique design aesthetic. It can be overwhelming to know where to start or how to translate your ideas into tangible designs. In these moments, turn to the work of other interior designers for inspiration.

  • Explore design websites and blogs to discover the latest trends and innovative ideas.
  • Follow interior designers on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest for a constant stream of inspiration.
  • Visit local design showrooms and exhibitions to see the work of professionals up close.

By immersing yourself in the world of interior design and studying the work of others, you’ll gain valuable insights and ideas that you can incorporate into your own projects.

Practice makes perfect

Lastly, building confidence in interior design as a hobby requires practice. The more you design and create, the better you’ll become. Challenge yourself to take on new projects and push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Experiment with different styles, color palettes, and textures. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new techniques.

Remember, every successful interior designer started as a beginner. With time and dedication, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to create beautiful and functional spaces. Embrace the challenges, learn from your mistakes, seek inspiration, and practice regularly. Building confidence in interior design is a journey, and the rewards are well worth the effort.

interior design hobbyist guide

Frequently Asked Questions About Macrame

Are you eager to start interior design as a hobby? Macrame is a fantastic way to unleash your creativity and add a unique touch to your home decor. As a beginner, it’s natural to have questions. Here are some frequently asked questions about macrame to help you get started:

  1. What is macrame?

    Macrame is a textile art form that involves knotting cords together to create intricate patterns and designs. It dates back centuries and has gained popularity in modern interior design.

  2. Do I need any prior experience in crafting?

    No, macrame is beginner-friendly! You don’t need any prior experience in crafting or interior design. With practice and patience, you’ll quickly grasp the basic knots and techniques.

  3. Where can I find macrame tutorials?

    You can find macrame tutorials on various platforms, including YouTube, crafting websites, and even social media channels. These resources provide step-by-step guidance, visual demonstrations, and helpful tips to help you create stunning macrame projects.

  4. What are some simple macrame projects for beginners?

    As a beginner, start with small projects like wall hangings, plant hangers, or decorative knots. These projects allow you to practice basic knots and experiment with different designs without feeling overwhelmed.

Embarking on the journey of interior design as a hobby is an exciting endeavor. Macrame offers a versatile and artistic outlet that allows you to express your personality through handmade creations. Take the leap, have fun, and let your imagination run wild with macrame! Soon, you’ll be amazed at the beautiful pieces you can create, adding a personal touch to your space.


So there you have it, folks! Interior design as a leisure activity is a fantastic way to unleash your creativity and transform spaces into stunning works of art. As a beginner, it’s important to remember a few beginner-friendly interior design tips.

First, start small! Beginning with a small project allows you to hone your skills, experiment with different design elements, and build confidence in your abilities. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are beautifully designed spaces.

Secondly, find inspiration! Explore magazines, websites, and social media platforms for fresh ideas and trends. Pinterest and Instagram are treasure troves of inspiration that will have your creative juices flowing in no time.

Lastly, practice, practice, practice! Interior design is a skill that improves with time and dedication. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or face challenges along the way. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow as a hobbyist interior designer.

So, my fellow design enthusiasts, grab your macrame cords, wooden dowels, and scissors, and let your imagination run wild. Transform your living spaces into havens of style and beauty. Interior design as a leisure activity is waiting for you to explore and enjoy. Happy designing!


What are some beginner-friendly interior design ideas?

Simple projects like organizing and decorating a small space, creating a mood board, or rearranging furniture are great beginner-friendly interior design ideas.

Where can I find inspiration for my interior design projects?

Explore magazines, websites, social media platforms, and interior design blogs for inspiration. Pinterest and Instagram are great platforms to find inspiration and discover new ideas and trends.

What materials do I need for macrame projects?

You will need macrame cord or rope, a wooden dowel or metal ring for wall hangings, scissors, a tape measure, and tape. You can find these materials online or at craft stores.

How much time does interior design as a hobby require?

The time commitment can vary depending on the complexity of your project. It can take several hours, days, or even weeks to complete. It’s important to set realistic expectations and allocate enough time for your projects.

How can I overcome challenges and build confidence in interior design?

Don’t be discouraged by mistakes or setbacks, as they are part of the learning process. Trust your instincts, seek inspiration from other interior designers, and keep practicing and experimenting with different ideas and techniques.

What are some commonly asked questions about macrame?

Here are a few commonly asked questions about macrame:

– How do I start learning macrame?

– Where can I find macrame patterns?

– What are some beginner-friendly macrame projects?

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